Changes within the Executive Committee and Senior Management of Holcim Ltd
Ian Thackwray, actuellement chef de la direction de Holcim Philippines, a été nommé membre du comité de direction par le conseil d’administration de Holcim ltée. Il se joindra au comité de direction au début de 2010 et commencera à se familiariser avec la responsabilité régionale jusque-là confiée à Tom Clough, membre du comité de direction qui prendra sa retraite. Ian Thackwray entrera officiellement en fonction le 1er juillet 2010. Son nouveau champ de responsabilité s'étend aux sociétés situées en Extrême-Orient, notamment en Chine et aux Philippines, ainsi qu’en Océanie et en Afrique australe et orientale.
Ian Thackwray, currently CEO of Holcim Philippines, has been appointed a Member of the Executive Committee by the Board of Directors of Holcim Ltd. He will join the Executive Committee at the beginning of 2010 and commence to make himself familiar with the regional responsibility of Executive Committee Member Tom Clough. With effect from July 1, 2010, he will succeed Tom Clough, who will be retiring. The area of responsibility spans the companies in East Asia, including China, the Philippines and Oceania and South and East Africa.
British national Ian Thackwray was born on February 25, 1958. He holds an MA (Hons) in Chemistry from Oxford University and is also a chartered accountant. After his studies, he joined Price Waterhouse and handled major corporate accounts in Europe. In 1985, he started a career with Dow Corning Corporation, serving in various management roles in Europe, North America and particularly in Asia. From 2004 to 2006, he headed up Dow Corning's entire Asian operations out of Shanghai. Since September 2006, he has been CEO of Holcim Philippines, a Group company with a workforce of 1,500 and four cement plants whose combined annual capacity is some 10 million tonnes.
In addition, Gérard Letellier, Area Manager Holcim Ltd since the beginning of 2005 and responsible for the Holcim markets in Bangladesh, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam, will assume country responsibility for France within Holcim France Benelux on January 1, 2010.
Aidan Lynam, born July 8, 1960, citizen of the Republic of Ireland, currently CEO of Holcim Vietnam, has been appointed a new Area Manager. He will take up his new position on January 1, 2010, assuming country responsibility for Bangladesh, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. Aidan Lynam holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University College Dublin and an Executive MBA from IMD in Lausanne. He joined Holcim Group Support (HGRS) in 1986 where he worked as a Consultant. After gaining a few years experience at Krupp Polysius, he returned to the Group in 1996 as Technical Training Manager in Vietnam. In 1999, he was promoted to Terminal Manager at Holcim Vietnam and in 2002 was appointed Vice President Manufacturing at Holcim Lanka. He has been CEO of Holcim Vietnam since 2006.
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Holcim is one of the world's leading suppliers of cement and aggregates (crushed stone, gravel and sand), as well as further activities such as ready-mix concrete and asphalt including services. The Group has majority and minority holdings in around 70 countries across all continents (
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